Today I received a follow up email from the Customer Service Manager that was both personalized and unexpected. It knocked my socks off! I've included the entire email herein:
Hello Raghav!
It has been seven days since your order was shipped so hopefully your order #14077740 was delivered without any problems. We made sure to ship your order as QUICKLY as possible! I hope our service beat your expectations.
I noticed you ordered a protein powder. Smart! We have seen the best results from customers when they use a protein powder everyday like clockwork. The Met-Rx Meal Replacement, 18 Packets, Chocolate Peanut Butter is a great one.
I found this new article for you about protein that will help you get the best results:
Protein Bio-Availability Explained! It was written by Joey Vaillancourt.
Don't forget that taking a multi-vitamin can help you get better results.
Neelish K
Customer Service Manager
WOW! That's the best friggin' follow up email I think I've ever received. The reason I think it was so good is because the unexpected email was:
* Personalized based on my order
* Specific with regard to what I ordered
* Reinforced the purchase decisions I made
* Encouraged me to use what I bought
* Provided additional value-added references
* Provided contact information
How does your customer service messaging measure up? I hope this example will serve as a way to motivate all of us to think about our communications with customers after the sale. As marketers we know that keeping a customer is often much more affordable than acquiring a new one.
Take a closer look at your follow up processes. If you are communicating after the sale, is your communication personalized? Does it provide product purchase information? Additional resources that are related to the purchase? We can always make our follow up communications better!
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